
Systems Forecasting is the scientific consultancy of David Orrell and Hitesh Mistry. We specialise in applying mathematical/statistical modelling and simulation techniques to support bio-techs/pharmaceutical companies in making drug development decisions with a particular emphasis on dosing/scheduling.

We currently have two open-source tools that we have developed for the community: Cell-Cycler and Manchester PBPK – with plans to  extend these and possibly combine them in the future. We are happy to collaborate with others on these and other tools, feel free to contact us about them.

We collaborate with Juan Delgado Director of Data Science at Silico Science  to increase resources and expertise on certain projects as required. Juan is specialised in Statistical Analyses and Machine Learning of healthcare multimodal data including clinical trials. Further, he has expertise building scalable machine learning systems in highly regulated environments.

Consulting to the financial sector can now be accessed through Future of Everything.